A few days ago, Stanford University researchers to create a pure lithium battery, you can make electric cars a run 480 kilometers, to achieve a leap in lithium battery technology.
What is pure lithium battery?
In the research report published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, we can find the answer.
Today, the market of lithium batteries, the exact said, should be called "electrolytic lithium battery", lithium only to the state of the electrolyte (that is, Li ion) in the presence of. This battery has three important components, respectively, for the electrolyte to provide electrons, respectively, in the anode and cathode discharge.
According to materials science and Engineering Department of Stanford University professor Cui Yi explained that in all the materials can be used for the anode, lithium is undoubtedly the most potential, some people call it the Holy Grail, because the advantages of lithium with a priori - light weight, small size, high efficiency.
Cui Yi - Professor of materials science and engineering, Stanford University, research team leader
However, scientists have used for many years to finally put the "Holy Grail" into reality. The Standford team has solved the problem of this very difficult science, and realized that the lithium is placed in the anode.
"Holy Grail" - a luxurious experience
In a recent breakthrough in the technology, Standford's research team said they used nano technology to create a pure lithium battery.
Former U.S. energy secretary Zhu Diwen (Chu Steven) is one of the members of the research team.
"If we can power density increased to three times, but at the same time, reduce the cost of one of the four, it will be exciting results," Chu said "we're going to have three times the current battery life of mobile phone, and a single charge mileage 300 miles, the price more than only $25000 of pure electric vehicles - the key is driving experience greater than fuel mileage per gallon 40 miles (MPG) car."
The "Holy Grail" of technological breakthroughs
Anode commonly used material, usually silicon and graphite, in the charging process will occur in response to eat the electrons, while the reaction of lithium is usually more intense, will eat more electrons, heat expansion is not uniform.
In addition, when the anode and the electrolyte will release a lot of heat, the strong chemical reaction between the lithium anode and the electrolyte will consume the electrolyte, shorten the battery life.
To overcome these obstacles, the Stanford researchers designed built a honeycomb micro isolation layer, known as "nano ball", so that we can create a flexible blunt sense of membrane and avoid the instability of lithium in the reaction. |